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An ukulele accompaniment for Austin Wintory's theme for a game called Erica, written for his cover challenge in August 2019. To learn more about the cover challenge, see Austin Wintory's tweet that started it and search for the various covers posted to Twitter in August 2019. Here's the tweet for mine, and a midi file, and a link to the video of the midi file.
PNG both parts page 1 - both parts page 2 - melody - accompaniment
PDF both parts - melody - accompaniment
My transcription of the St. Georges Bookstore theme from Gabriel Knight
1, arranged for some instrument (eg. flute or violin) and piano. The
Gabriel Knight series of computer games is fabulous, and the music for them
is equally fabulous. The composer is Robert Holmes. The transcription reflects
how I heard the music when I was playing the game. Since then, I have heard
it on other computers that had different sound settings, and realized that I
missed some of the chords.
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A mirror of Nhat-Viet Phi's transcription of Yoko Kanno's "Voices"
from Macross Plus, acoustic version. He calls it, with justification,
the "definitive unauthorized score." I love this piece - it has a
lyrical and haunting melody, and the harmonies are unusual and interesting.
You can visit Nhat-Viet Phi's homepage at http://go.to/totophi.
My kudos to him for creating such an accurate transcription of an intricate
piece, and for sharing it with the world.
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PDF - All Pages
My transcription, done in December 2003, of Yoko Kanno's piece "Green
Bird" from Cowboy Bebop. The words are in a made up language that
Kanno uses, so they were tough to transcribe. If you have any corrections to
the words or notes, let me know.
Voice and Piano - Voice
1 - Voice 2 - Voice
A song that I wrote in autumn of 2003, called "I Hear a Soft Melody".
If you like this piece or perform it, please let me
know. I give permission for it to be performed anywhere for non-commercial
purposes. (By the way, the notes in the treble clef are easier to play if you
use both your left and right hands. Usually I use the pedal for the bass note
at the beginning of each bar, then bring my left hand up the keyboard for the
second pair of eighth notes.)
Voice and Piano